Shemini Atzeret / Simchat Torah 2024

Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah & Shabbat

Rabbi Ethan Linden is back for the 3-day yontif!

Thursday October 24, Shemini Atzeret Shaharit at 9:45am, Yizkor at about 11:15am. Kiddush sponsored by the Gordon/Brecker Family.

Thursday October 24, Simchat Torah Arvit & Dancing 7:30pm

Friday October 25, Simchat Torah Shaharit at 9:45am. Mazel Tov to Kallah Torah and Kallah Breishit, Joanna Sasson and Gail Silverman, who will be sponsoring kiddush.

Saturday October 26, Shabbat Shaharit at 9:45am

Sukkot Takedown

Sunday October 27, 9-11am, If you can volunteer to assist for 1-2 hours, please email [email protected]